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Vegan Potluck Lunch & Movie 2024
Date to be advised - 1.00pm, Levin
Please email for address and to RSVP
It will be the middle of winter soon, so I would love to invite you to a Vegan potluck lunch and a movie, held in warm, convivial surroundings.
Whether a main or a pudding, bring your favourite dish or try making something new. The choice is yours.
Tea, coffee, and cocoa will be provided, as will soy milk and sweeteners. Feel free to bring drinks of your choice if you so wish.
So please come and enjoy delicious, vegan food with other warm and friendly people like yourself. I can already visualize a spread of flavourful main dishes, snacks, puddings, and drinks -all Vegan of course!
The film, being organised by Alastair, is called…
Le Quattro Volte
This is art theatre, [no music, no script,] so hopefully, this will help you appreciate what it is about.
Please email for address.
In 2024~5 if you would like to host a vegan potluck dinner, a nibbles evening or a vegan bbq we'd love to hear from you, or if you have any suggestions for any form of vegan event :
From June 2024 I intend showing vegan based documentaries and information videos on the large screen. Tea, coffee and cold spring water will be available, and perhaps fresh popcorn. Feel free to bring along home made or bought nibbles to share.
The doco's will be picked from the following list of my DVD library...
1. Behind the Mask **
2. Beyond Closed Doors **
3. Chew On This (PETA) *
4. Dark Water Rising *
5. Earthlings **
6. Fast Food Nation *
7. I am an Animal **
8. I Breath *
9. Not In My Name **
10. Peaceable Kingdom *
11. Peaceable Kingdom – The Journey Home *
12. Sharkwater
13. Speciesism *
14. Talking with Animals
15. The End of the Line
16. The Mad Cowboy (x3) *?
17. The Meatrix
18. The Skin Trade **
19. The Witness *
20. The Emotional World of Farm Animals
21. Whale Wars
22. A Diet for all Reasons
23. Albert Schweitzer
24. Breakthrough
25. Digestion Made Easy
26. Eating
27. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
28. Food Inc
29. Food Without Fear
30. Forks Overs Knives
31. Kick Start Your Health
32. Killer at Large
33. May I Be Frank
34. Planeat
35. Processed People
36. Raw Food Made Easy
37. Sarah Brown – The Vegetarian Kitchen
38. Sense and Nonsense in Nutrition
39. Sound Bites
40. Sweet Misery – A Poisoned World
41. Sweet Remedy (Sequel to Sweet Misery)
42. Truth or Dairy
43. To Your Health
44. Understanding Your Blood Test
45. Vegan Fitness
46. Vegan Gal
47. Vegucated
48. Weight Control (PCRM)
49. Around the World in 90 Minutes
50. Blue Planet
51. Cowspiracy
52. Dirt – The Movie
53. Meat the Truth
54. Ocean Wonderland BluRay 3D
55. Planet Earth (BBC) BluRay **
56. Planet in Peril 57. The 11th Hour
58. The Age of Stupid
59. World in Balance
Documentary /Other
60. A Time to Remember: New Zealand
61. Animals in Love
62. Animals Are Beautiful People
63. Baraka *
64. Cosmos (Original Series)
65. Cosmos (2014 series)
66. Into the Universe (Stephen Hawking)
67. Religiousness
68. The Day the Universe Changed (Series)
69. The Story of the Eclipse
70. The Unbelievers
71. What Darwin Never Knew *
72. When a City Falls (Canterbury earthquakes
* Contains some graphic scenes ** Contains very graphic scenes